Un inukshuk (ou inuksuk, pluriel inuksuit) est un empilement de pierres (ou cairn) construit par les peuples inuit et yupik dans les régions arctiques d’Amérique du Nord
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Inuksuk overlooking the St. Lawrence river in EssipitSun sets on inuksuit (plural form of inuksuk) as the Aivik cargo ship, property of Nunavut Eastern Arctic Shipping, sails by on the St. Lawrence river in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. Also called inukshuk in English or inukhuk in Inuinnaqtun, Inuksuk is a stone landmark used as a milestone or directional marker by the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic. They vary in shape and size, and perform a diverse array of tasks. It is a symbol with deep roots in the Inuit culture, a directional marker that signifies safety, hope and friendship.Inuksuk overlooking the St. Lawrence river in EssipitInuksuk overlooking the St. Lawrence river in EssipitInuksuk overlooking the St. Lawrence river in EssipitInuksuk overlooking the St. Lawrence river in EssipitSun sets on an inuksuk (plural inuksuit) as the Aivik cargo ship, property of Nunavut Eastern Arctic Shipping, sails by on the St. Lawrence river in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord.
Une magnifique fin de journée à photographier le Soleil descendre tranquillement sur les rochers de la côte du St-Laurent. À l’exception de la dernières prise le long de la route 138, Tous ces paysages ont été photographié dans une zone de 50 mètres des condos Natakam. Quel beau moment.
The sun sets on the rocky seashore and the intertidal zone of the St. Lawrence river in Essipit and Les Escoumins in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012.
seashore and the intertidal zone of the St. Lawrence river, Cote-Nordseashore and the intertidal zone of the St. Lawrence river, Cote-NordRocky seashore and the intertidal zone of the St. Lawrence river, Cote-NordSeashore and the intertidal zone of the St. Lawrence river, Cote-NordSeashore and the intertidal zone of the St. Lawrence river, Cote-Nordseashore and the intertidal zone of the St. Lawrence river, Cote-Nordseashore and the intertidal zone of the St. Lawrence river, Cote-NordRiviere des Petites-Bergeronnes river is pictured in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012.
Crustose lichens are pictured on a rock in the St. Lawrence seashore of Essipit in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord, Thursday October 11, 2012. Lichens are composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus (the mycobiont) and a photosynthetic partner.Vaccinium angustifolium are pictured on the coast of the St. Lawrence river in Essipit, an Innu community located in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord, Thursday October 11, 2012. Vaccinium angustifolium, commonly known as the Lowbush Blueberry, is a species of blueberry native to eastern and central Canada and the northeastern United States.Seagulls rest on the rocky seashore full of fucus of the St. Lawrence river in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. Fucus is a genus of brown algae found in the intertidal zones of rocky seashores almost throughout the world.Sun sets on fucus growing on the rocky seashore of the St. Lawrence river in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. Fucus is a genus of brown algae found in the intertidal zones of rocky seashores almost throughout the world.Fruticose lichens is pictured in the rocky seashore of the St. Lawrence river in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. Lichens are composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus (the mycobiont) and a photosynthetic partner.A lone fir is pictured growing between rocks in the rocky seashore of the St. Lawrence river in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012.A small fir grows near a rock covered with crustose and foliose lichens in the St. Lawrence seashore of Essipit in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord, Thursday October 11, 2012. Lichens are composite organisms consisting of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus (the mycobiont) and a photosynthetic partner.
The Kaministiqua bulk Carrier, property of Lower Lake Towing, is seen sailing on the St. Lawrence river in front of Essipit and Les Escoumins in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. A bulk carrier, bulk freighter, or bulker is a merchant ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk cargo, such as grains, coal, ore, and cement in its cargo holds.The Kaministiqua bulk Carrier, property of Lower Lake Towing, is seen sailing on the St. Lawrence river in front of Essipit and Les Escoumins in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. A bulk carrier, bulk freighter, or bulker is a merchant ship specially designed to transport unpackaged bulk cargo, such as grains, coal, ore, and cement in its cargo holds.The Aivik RORO cargo ship, property of Nunavut Eastern Arctic Shipping, is seen sailing on the St. Lawrence river in front of Essipit and Les Escoumins in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. Roll-on/roll-off (RORO or ro-ro) ships are vessels designed to carry wheeled cargo.Sun sets on an inuksuk (plural inuksuit) as the Aivik cargo ship, property of Nunavut Eastern Arctic Shipping, sails by on the St. Lawrence river in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. Also called inukshuk in English or inukhuk in Inuinnaqtun, Inuksuk is a stone landmark used as a milestone or directional marker by the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic. They vary in shape and size, and perform a diverse array of tasks. It is a symbol with deep roots in the Inuit culture, a directional marker that signifies safety, hope and friendship.Sun sets on an inuksuk (plural inuksuit) as the Aivik cargo ship, property of Nunavut Eastern Arctic Shipping, sails by on the St. Lawrence river in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. Also called inukshuk in English or inukhuk in Inuinnaqtun, Inuksuk is a stone landmark used as a milestone or directional marker by the Inuit of the Canadian Arctic. They vary in shape and size, and perform a diverse array of tasks. It is a symbol with deep roots in the Inuit culture, a directional marker that signifies safety, hope and friendship.
Lors de mon voyage en Côte-Nord pour la mise en terre des cendres de Denise, j’ai réservé un peu au hasard un condo dans la réserve Innu d’Essipit, tout juste à côté de Les Escoumins. Je ne m’attendais pas à une si belle vue ni surtout à vivre le plus beau golden hour de ma vie. La photo de landscape n’est pas ma spécialité ni très présente sur ce blogue, mais plusieurs photos de paysages nord-côtier suivront dans les prochains jours. En attendant, pour vous mettre en appétit, voici le début du golden hour sur notre lieux de résidence temporaire.
Sun sets on Condos Natakam buildings in the Essipit Innu community in the Quebec region of Cote-Nord Thursday October 11, 2012. Owned and managed by the community for short term rental, Natakam offers a spectacular view of the St. Lawrence river and seeshore.Condos NatakamCondos Natakam
– Papa, pourquoi on part en voyage?
– Pour allez enterrer les poussières d’ange de grand-nany Denise (mettre en terre les cendres de son arrière-grand-mère)
– Papa, est-ce que je l’ai déjà vue grand-nany?
– Oui, mais tu étais très petit et tu ne t’en souvient sûrement plus
– Est-ce que tu as une photo?
Mon fils Charles-Edward n’a que quatre ans, mais il comprend déjà la valeur d’une photographie. Il est sûr qu’avoir un papa et une maman photographe aide un peu, mais quand même.
Il n’a plus vraiment de souvenir de sa grand-mère, mais chaque fois qu’il vois cette photo sur mon économiseur d’écran, il s’écrit “C’est Mamy Caro!”. Il ne l’a jamais vraiment connu. Mais il à pourtant un fort souvenir d’elle. Et je sais qu’à partir de maintenant, il va souvent venir dans mon bureau pour me demander “papa, montres-moi la photo de grand-nany Denise”.
Il m’attriste de voir des gens, souvent des femmes, souvent des gens plus âgée, refuser de se faire prendre en photo car elle ne se trouve plus coquette comme à 20 ans.
Non, Denise n’était plus très jeune. Oui, Denise avait le visage tout plissé et avait pris plusieurs livres depuis sa tendre jeunesse. Mais cette journée-là, ironiquement lors des funérailles de sa fille “mamy-Caro” elle n’a jamais dis non à nos demandes de se faire prendre en photo avec qui le voulais bien.
Carole l’avait compris. Denise l’avait compris. Se faire prendre en photo, ce n’est pas toujours pour nous. Parfois, souvent, c’est pour les autres. Ne dites jamais non à une photo.