In Ohio for my story Ohio’s Shores and Islands: The curious balance between the family and the party destination, I stumbled into some cool animals. I am not a wildlife photographer, but I will not turn my back from an interesting photo.

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In Ohio for my story Ohio’s Shores and Islands: The curious balance between the family and the party destination, I stumbled into some cool animals. I am not a wildlife photographer, but I will not turn my back from an interesting photo.
Écrit le . Publié dans Animalières, Mon travail photographique. Laisser un commentaire
I published some photos of alligators at the St. Augustine Alligator farm yesterday. They also have a wide variety of birds that are so easy to photograph it is almost cheating.
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La Alligator Farm de St. Augustine contient un nombre élevé de reptiles et autres animaux exotiques. Un must si vous passez dans le coin.
Plus de stock photos de la St. Augustine Alligator farm Zoological Park
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A bighorn sheep (mouflons d’Amérique) stands in the middle of the road on Highway 93 near Jasper in the Canadian Rockies
Two bighorn sheep (mouflons d’Amérique) stand in the middle of the road on Highway 93 near Jasper in the Canadian Rockies
Écrit le . Publié dans Animalières, Mon travail photographique, Stock photo. Laisser un commentaire
Still digging the archive in search of valuable photo to add to my stock collection. Today’s digging is some wildlife in the Rocky mountain.