I was recently commissioned by SSAB, a Swedish steel manufacturer, to photograph their impressive steel cutting machine. It is a harsh environment, but industrial photography is fun to do. It was my second time at the Delson plant. Photos from my first shooting are on my blog.

Industrial photography, Quebec

Industrial photography, Quebec

Industrial photography, Quebec

Industrial photography, Quebec

Industrial photography, Quebec

Some enhancing was done in post production to clean the plate a bit, but still keeping it believable.
Industrial photography, Quebec

And finally, if you want to see in what kind of environment I was shooting, here are two behind the scene photos and a video by my assistant Sébastien Dion.

industrial photographer Quebec City

industrial photographer Quebec City

Le Montréalais Marc Dufour s’est fait remettre 11 constats d’infractions qui se lisent « [S’être] tenu sur le domaine public pour photographier une personne sans son consentement ». Total des tickets: 1606$

Le problème: le numéros d’infraction mentionné sur le billet, CP-1 7, a été abrogé il y a longtemps. Il est important de savoir qu’il est légale de photographier n’importe qui et n’importe quoi lorsque vous êtes dans un lieu public.

Voici la page reddit où Marc Dufour relate l’événement.

Mount Desert Island, the largest island off the coast of Maine, is best known for the Acadia National Park.

Created as Lafayette National Park in 1919 and renamed Acadia in 1929, the park includes mountains, an ocean shoreline, woodlands, lakes, and even a sandy beach. It is a very popular destination for outdoors activities and camping with two and a half million tourists a year.

On the Western side of the island, off the park, the town of Tremont includes the villages of Bass Harbor (or McKinley), Bernard, Gotts Island, Seal Cove and West Tremont, where fishing, especially lobster fishing, is an important part of the daily life.

You can find more photos of Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island on my stock photos website.

The rocky shore of Acadia National Park

Rocky shore of Acadia National Park
The rocky shore of Acadia National Park is pictured on Mount Desert Island in Maine Wednesday June 19, 2013.
Rocky shore of Acadia National Park
A man and a woman look at the ocean as they sit by a seagull on the rocky shore of Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island in Maine.
Rocky shore of Acadia National Park
The rocky shore of Acadia National Park is pictured on Mount Desert Island in Maine
Rocky shore and sandy beach at Acadia National Park
A sandy beach is pictured through the rocky shore of Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island in Maine

Wildlife in Acadia National Park and Mount Desert Island

Beaver house in Acadia National Park
A beaver house is pictured in Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island in Maine
Beaver house in Acadia National Park
A woman paints a lake and a beaver house by the side of a lake in Acadia National Park on Mount Desert Island in Maine
Fish ladder in Somesville, Maine
Two women sit by a fish ladder in Somesville on Mount Desert Island in Maine Wednesday June 19, 2013. A fish ladder, also known as a fishway, fish pass or fish steps, is a structure to facilitate diadromous fishes' natural migration.

Lobster fishing in Mount Desert Island

Lobster fishing vessels in Tremont, Maine
Fishing vessels are pictured in the harbor of Tremont, Maine Wednesday June 19, 2013. Located on Mount Desert Island, Tremont primary industry is fishing, mainly lobster.
Lobster fishing vessels in Tremont, Maine
Fishing vessels are pictured in the harbor of Tremont, Maine

Squeezed between Mount Batties and the Atlantic ocean, Camden is a cute little town on the coast of Maine. More photos of Camden, Maine, on my stock photos website.

Boating in Camden Maine
Sail boats lie in the harbor as the sun sets on Camden, Maine Wednesday June 19, 2013.
Boating in Camden Maine
Sun sets on Sherman Cove in Camden, Maine Wednesday June 19, 2013.
Boating in Camden Maine
Sail boats lie in Sherman Cove as the sun sets on Camden, Maine

I discovered Sebago Lake during my trip in Maine for my story 3 places to unwind and recharge your batteries in Maine. The lake is huge, the second largest in Maine, peaceful, with a lot of boating activities.

More photos of Sebago Lake and boating on my stock photos gallery.

Wooden boats docked on Sebago Lake
Wooden boats are moored on Sebago Lake in South Casco, Maine Monday June 17, 2013. Sebago Lake is the deepest and second largest lake in the U.S. state of Maine.
Motor boat moored on Sebago Lake
A motor boat is moored on Sebago Lake in South Casco, Maine
Wooden boat docked on Sebago Lake
A wooden boat is moored on Sebago Lake in South Casco, Maine
Canoes on Sebago Lake
Canoes are pictured on Sebago Lake shore in South Casco, Maine
Wooden boats and canoes docked on Sebago Lake
Wooden boats and canoes are moored on Sebago Lake in South Casco, Maine
Float plane on Sebago Lake, Maine
A float plane is pictured in front of a house on Sebago Lake in South Casco, Maine

Copyright © 2023 Francis Vachon.