Petite anecdote sur ces photos…

Je grimpe mon sujet, Maxime Detraux, au dessus de la structure du stationnement souterrain de Place de la Cité. J’installe mon flash à coté d’une voiture stationnée. Rapidement, un agent de sécurité s’approche et nous regardes curieusement.
– Ça ne sera pas long! 2 minutes et on a fini!
– OK!
10 minutes plus tard…
– Ben là avez-vous bientôt fini? Faut que je m’en aille et vous bloquez ma voiture!
Ce n’était pas un agent de sécurité….

Maxime Detraux
Maxime Detraux poses in Quebec City Tuesday June 10, 2014. Detraux is an angel investor who started up a business accelerator company called Oxygene Investissements in February 2013. Photo by Francis Vachon for National Post.

Maxime Detraux

L’utilisation de drone pour la photographie et vidéographie commerciale est en plein développement. Avec des engins disponibles à 200$, l’offre est en pleine explosion. Malheureusement, plusieurs s’improvisent pilote et n’ont aucune notion de sécurité. De nombreux incidents ont été répertoriés de par le monde, et ce n’est qu’une question de temps avant que cela arrive au Québec et que leurs utilisations soit sérieusement encadrés et restreinte.

Lire la suite

Last week, I photographed a men who is about to wins his fight. Not against his illness. But for his right to die how and when he wants if his condition worsen to a point he has no quality of life, completely dependent on others. Thanks to bill 52.

Ghislain Leblond of Quebec City suffers from a neuromuscular condition similar to Lou Gehrig’s disease and has been confined to a motorized wheelchair for the last 10 years. Lisa D’Amico of Montreal was born with cerebral palsy and requires a walker to get around. Both fear they will eventually end up incapacitated and dependent on others.

But while there are some similarities in their physical conditions, their views on Quebec’s euthanasia legislation could not be more different. When the National Assembly adopts Bill 52, “An act respecting end-of-life care” — expected in the next two weeks — Mr. Leblond plans to be in the visitors’ gallery to applaud the historic moment.

See the full National Post story: Quebec’s legislature unites behind a euthanasia bill that divides many with debilitating illnesses.

I love my job. I love how I get paid to photograph and meet such interesting person. We spent a lot of time chatting about life, death, and what it means to be able to decide how the suffering of a debilitating and incurable illnesses should be handled.

Ghislain Leblond poses in is house in Quebec City Thursday May 29, 2014.  A retired civil servant who suffers from a degenerative disease similar to Lou Gehrig's disease, Ghislain Leblond co-founded the Collectif mourir digne et libre, a group in favour of euthanasia.
Ghislain Leblond poses in is house in Quebec City Thursday May 29, 2014. A retired civil servant who suffers from a degenerative disease similar to Lou Gehrig’s disease, Ghislain Leblond co-founded the Collectif mourir digne et libre, a group in favour of euthanasia.

Ghislain Leblond

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