Great story on Slashdot on how a stock photographer represented himself in court and won a copyright infringement over a big corporation that produced false documents to try to prove they bought the image from someone else.
Écrit le . Publié dans Droit d'auteur & trucs légaux, Stock photo. Laisser un commentaire
Great story on Slashdot on how a stock photographer represented himself in court and won a copyright infringement over a big corporation that produced false documents to try to prove they bought the image from someone else.
Écrit le . Publié dans Documentaire, Ma vie personnelle, Mon travail photographique, Stock photo. 6 Commentaires
Cindy Hains receives a nonstress test (NST)
A doctor shows Cindy Hains the result of her nonstress test (NST) at the CHUL hospital in Quebec City. The NST is a Doppler time series recording of the heart beat of a fetus in utero simultaneous with the abdominal and/or uterine contractions of the pregnant woman to indicate if the baby is not receiving enough oxygen because of placental or umbilical cord problems and other types of fetal distress.
Technical: Canon EOS 1D mark II, 1/100 at f10 with a 24-70 at 26mm – ISO 200, one on-camera flash bounced to the ceiling.
Keywords: CHUL, nonstress, non-stress, nonstress test, non-stress test, NST, doppler, heart, fetus, utero, uterus, record, recording, uterine, contraction, contractions, pregnant, pregnancy, birth, give, giving, biophysical, prenatal, test, high-risk pregnancy, baby, health, fetal heart, reactivity, heart rate, rate
Yep, day to day « activities » is good for stock photography! And by the way, the test was positive, the baby is still moving normally.
Écrit le . Publié dans Ma vie personnelle, Mon travail photographique, Portraits. 4 Commentaires
Écrit le . Publié dans Mon travail photographique, Portraits. Laisser un commentaire
Dominique Brown, founder and CEO of Beenox, poses in his Quebec City office. The video game company was founded in 2000 and bought by Activision in 2005. They has done more than 30 projects including X-Men, Spider-Man, Shrek and, more recently, the game for the 2006 Bee Movie. Photo Francis Vachon for The Gazette
Technical: Canon EOS 1D mark II, 1/80 at f16 with a 85mm prime lens – ISO 200, one direct flash on the right
Écrit le . Publié dans Actualités, Mon travail photographique. 2 Commentaires
Écrit le . Publié dans Trucs rigolos. Laisser un commentaire