Jean Charest Liberal congressQuebec Premier Jean Charest gestures as he speaks to delegates at the conclusion of a three days Liberal Congress Sunday March 9, 2008 at the Quebec City Congress Center. Photo Francis Vachon for the Montreal Gazette.
Technical: Canon EOS 1D Mark II, 1/80 at f4 with a 24-70 (or a 70-200?) at 70mm – ISO 800, on camera flash with 1/2 CTO gel

Jean Charest confidence voteQuebec City, March 8, 2008 – Quebec Premier Jean Charest and his wife Michelle Dionne cheers after the divulgation of the confidence vote result at the Quebec Liberal congress, on Saturday March 8, 2008 at the Quebec City Congress Center. The delegates gave Charest a positive vote at 97.23%. Photo Francis Vachon for the Montreal Gazette.
Technical: Canon EOS 20D, 1/125 at f4.5 with a 24-70 at 56mm – ISO 800, on camera flash with 1/2 CTO gel

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