Isabelle Duval inspects a piece of native pottery found in the Cartier-Roberval Park archeological site in Quebec City June 21, 2008. The archeologists hope they can prove with this finding that Cartier and Roberval where trading with the natives. Photo Francis Vachon for the Montreal Gazette
Technical: Canon EOS 1D mark II, 1/2000 at f1.8 with a 50mm prime lens – ISO 400
Isabelle Duval, center, points out something to Joanie Gauthier, left, and Karine Vachon-Soulard, right, in the Cartier-Roberval Park archeological site in Quebec City June 21, 2008.
Technical: Canon EOS 1D mark II, 1/400 at f1.8 with a 50mm prime lens – ISO 400
Karine Vachon-Soulard, right, takes some measures to document the exact location of a native pottery she just found as Philippe Slater, left, and Joanie Gauthier, center, look on in the Cartier-Roberval Park archeological site in Quebec City June 21, 2008. The archeologists hope they can prove with this finding that Cartier and Roberval where trading with the natives
Technical: Canon EOS 1D mark II, 1/5000 at f1.8 with a 50mm prime lens – ISO 400