Busy week

Sunday, Cindy and I are leaving for Trois-Rivières. Two families there are waiting for her to take portraits of the kids, and I will be assisting.

Tuesday, I have a job for the National Post. Saturday and Sunday is the Sommet de la Francophonie, were I am one of the host photographer for the event. From Wednesday to Friday, I will be at the airport to photographs all the delegations as they arrive, and then I will spend the weekend shooting the actual summit.

The agreement was one hour outside in the nice old Quebec to get a nice casual shot of four investment executives. Turned out that my appointment was the day the stock market went berserk. 3 minutes of shooting inside the office, 21 frames counting my test shots for my flashes and that was it. Creativity on demand, and being able to produce under high pressure are sometime two very important qualities!

Mark III at 6400 ISO

Have a look at the picture below. Notice anything special?

Mark III at 6400 ISO

Hint: The title of this post kinda give it away

Look at the 100% crop below, straight out of the camera (I did however use the in-camera noise-reduction):

Mark III at 6400 ISO

I just recently got my Mark III, and it was the first time I was traveling in this ISO range. And I’m blown away. On the sideline with my was a colleague from Le Journal de Québec, still with is Nikon D2X. With this camera, he couldn’t go above 1600 ISO, and had to shoot at 1/100. I wonder if he got some shots without any motion blur!

Copyright © 2023 Francis Vachon.