Retired asbestos miner Benoit Côté

Retired asbestos miner Benoit Côté
Benoit Côté poses with abandoned machinery on the site of a closed asbestos mine in Thetford Mine September 3, 2009. Côté worked 40 years as an asbestos miner. Photo Francis Vachon/ THE GAZETTE

The portraits where made for a Gazette article on « La Grande Noirceur », a dark era in the province of Quebec dominated by the clergy and Maurice Duplessie, a Premier with an iron fist.

My day spent in Therford Mine hunting for stock photos paid of to find a great location.

Diane Ippersiel

Diane Ippersiel
Diane Ippersiel, a McGill University graduate who manages a firm called Une affaire d’Anglais in Quebec city. Photo Francis Vachon for McGill News Alumni Magazine.
Technical: Canon EOS Mark III, 1/320 at f9 with a 24-70 at 46mm – ISO 200 + one direct flash camera left

When you look out for new clients, don’t only look on the magazines you see on the stand. There is a ton of magazines that do not target « normal » consumers that you would never imagines they exist. Twice I did a job for a magazine called « Metal Cutting magazine ». It’s hard to be more specialized than that!

Kevin Strain

Kevin Strain
Sun Life senior vice-president Kevin Strain poses at the Chateau Frontenac hotel in Quebec city August 25, 2009. Photo Francis Vachon/ The National Post
Technical: Canon EOS Mark III, 1/320 at f5 with a 70-200 at 110mm – ISO 400 + one flash through an umbrella on camera right and one direct flash behind the subject on camera left (this flash created the two highlights on the « object » beside the subject)

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