Comments (8)

  • I find it rather interesting that neanderthal one is 1. Standing in a huge pool of water. 2. Which is a major conductor anyone whom has used and respects electricity knows this. 3. Is within 2 feet of an about to explode transformer, that can send down shrapnel from the metal glass, and cooling combo. 3. Where is this wire going to go when it falls, what if it is live? Some fucking people simply amaze me with their disregard for electricity. That is 24 thousand volts of electricity. Do you understand how grave danger that is? Instant death. Considering that the electric chair is only 2,000 volts. Some people are just dumb.

  • Thanks :)

    I also corrected the cutline according to your input.

    Timing, experience, self-control. And shooting RAW instead of JPG. That REALLY helped recover what would have been totally blown out highlights on a JPEG file. AND knowing what to do in Photoshop (that was editorial-acceptable)

  • Please allow me some corrections. The fire was at an old warehouse on Morissette street, and the picture show electric arcs occuring while 25 kV cables fell to the ground. No transformer exploded there (none were near) but the intense fire caused many wires to break and fall.

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