The sun set on the Coney Island Cyclone roller coster on Coney Island in New York city borough of Brooklyn, Sunday July 31, 2011. A New York City landmark, The Coney Island Cyclone (better known as simply the Cyclone) is a historic hybrid roller coaster build in 1927.Coney Island Cyclone is seen through another amusement ride on Coney Island in New York city borough of Brooklyn, Sunday July 31, 2011. A New York City landmark, The Coney Island Cyclone (better known as simply the Cyclone) is a historic hybrid roller coaster build in 1927.Deno's Wonder Wheel is pictured in Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park on Coney Island in New York city borough of Brooklyn, Sunday July 31, 2011. The Wonder Wheel, a hundred and fifty foot eccentric Ferris wheel, is the main attraction of Deno's Wonder Wheel Amusement Park, a small amusement pier featuring mostly family and children's rides with a few adult rides.
La dernière image est incroyable. La composition, le timing et le flou de mouvement dans le wagon sont judicieux !