Dennis Francis, wearing Saulteaux traditional dresses and paint, takes part into the dance contest of the Wendake Pow-Wow July 1, 2012. The Saulteaux are a branch of the Ojibwe nations sometimes called the Anihsinape (Anishinaabe).
Dennis Francis, wearing Saulteaux traditional dresses and paint, takes part into the dance contest of the Wendake Pow-Wow July 1, 2012. The Saulteaux are a branch of the Ojibwe nations sometimes called the Anih?in?p? (Anishinaabe).
Saulteaux traditional dresses and paint
Saulteaux traditional dresses and paint

You can find more images on my stock site: Photos of Saulteaux dresses, paintings, arts, and traditions, or more generally photos of Canadian natives, aboriginals and first nations.

A young natives wearing Huron-Wendat traditional dresses and paint takes part into the dance contest of the Wendake Pow-Wow July 1, 2012. The Wyandot (also called Huron) are indigenous peoples of North America, known in their native language of the Iroquoian family as the Wendat.
A young natives wearing Huron-Wendat traditional dresses and paint takes part into the dance contest of the Wendake Pow-Wow July 1, 2012. The Wyandot (also called Huron) are indigenous peoples of North America, known in their native language of the Iroquoian family as the Wendat.
Huron-Wendat traditional dresses and paint
Huron-Wendat traditional dresses and paint

You can find more images on my stock site: Photos of Huron / Wyandot dresses, paintings, arts, traditions, photos of Huron / Wyandot nations, or more generally photos of Canadian natives, aboriginals and first nations

Lorsque j’ai vue s’approcher ce danseur lors du Pow Wow de Wendake 2012, j’ai tout de suite reconnu le fabuleux Jerry Hunter que j’avais photographié en 2010. J’ai constaté avec joie qu’il avait travaillé sur son costume et son maquillage, déjà superbe. Lorsqu’il s’est approché de moi, je lui ai lancé un « JERRY! » pour attirer son attention. Il a tourné le regard vers moi une fraction de seconde vers moi, ce qui m’a permis à nouveau de fixer à jamais son très intense regard.

Gerry Hunter, a native of Lac-Simon indian Reservation and wearing Algonquin traditional dresses and paint, takes part into the dance contest of Wendake Pow-Wow July 1, 2012. The Algonquins (also spelled Algonkins) are aboriginal/First Nations inhabitants of North America who speak the Algonquin language, a divergent dialect of the Ojibwe language, which is part of the Algonquian language family.
Jerry Hunter, a native of Lac-Simon indian Reservation and wearing Algonquin traditional dresses and paint, takes part into the dance contest of Wendake Pow-Wow July 1, 2012. The Algonquins (also spelled Algonkins) are aboriginal/First Nations inhabitants of North America who speak the Algonquin language, a divergent dialect of the Ojibwe language, which is part of the Algonquian language family.
Algonquin traditional painting and dress
Algonquin traditional painting and dress


You can find more images on my stock site: Photos of Algonquin dresses, paintings, arts, traditions, photos of Algonquin nations, or more generally photos of Canadian natives, aboriginals and first nations

Manif étudiante du 22 juin à Québec
Two young women with anti-Jean Charest slogans painted on their back take part into a protest against tuition hike, Bill 78, and the Liberal Government in Quebec City, Friday June 22, 2012. Friday June 22, 2009. Strike to protest agains tuition hike turned over time into a social movement against the provincial Liberal government. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Francis Vachon.
Manif étudiante du 22 juin à Québec
A man flies the Quebec and the red flag, symbol of the student fight, during a protest
Manif étudiante du 22 juin à Québec
A crowd walk in the street during a protest
Manif étudiante du 22 juin à Québec
A man with a Guy Fawkes mask takes photos of the protesters who walk by the National Assembly
Manif étudiante du 22 juin à Québec
Protesters take part into a "die-in"

Vous aimerez peut-être:

Il suffit de passer un peu de temps autour de Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois pour voir à quel point il est devenu une figure marquante de la grève étudiante. Des coups de klaxon, des poignées de main. Partout où il passe, les têtes se retournent.

A men shakes hand with CLASSE spokesperson Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, left, as he arrives at a meeting with Quebec education Minister Michelle Courchesne in Quebec City Tuesday May 29, 2012. The students and the Quebec government meet for the second day in a row to try to solve a strike over tuition fee that goes for more than 100 days. AFP PHOTO / FRANCIS VACHON

Photographier des manifs la nuit, c’est aussi devoir aller jouer dans les 12800 ISO (!!)

A man takes part into a demonstration in front of the building where the students and the Quebec government negotiate in Quebec City Tuesday May 29, 2012. The students and the Quebec government meet for the second day in a row to try to solve a strike over tuition fee that goes for more than 100 days. AFP PHOTO / FRANCIS VACHON
A man takes part into a demonstration in front of the building where the students and the Quebec government negotiate in Quebec City Tuesday May 29, 2012. The students and the Quebec government meet for the second day in a row to try to solve a strike over tuition fee that goes for more than 100 days. AFP PHOTO / FRANCIS VACHON

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