Je reviens tout juste d’Huntsville où j’ai couvert le sommet du G8 en tant que photographe hôte. En d’autres mots, j’étais un des photographes officiels engagés par le sommet pour leurs propres besoins.

Tous les matins je devais être soumis à une fouille très intensive et à plusieurs points de contrôle, pour ensuite passer la journée sur le site, dans la « bulle » des chefs d’état. Même en étant dans cette zone ultra-sécurisé, nous étions constamment entouré de snipers, policiers, militaires, bateaux (sur le lac), véhicules de l’armée, hélicoptères de combats, caméra de sécurité, brouilleurs d’onde cellulaires, détecteurs de mouvement, etc. C’était vraiment surréel. Imaginez les plus grandes mesure de sécurité que vous pouvez penser, et multipliez cela par 10. Même dans les films, ils ne s’approchent pas du tout de la réalité.

Voici quelque une des photos que j’ai réalisées.

Yesterday, 4 PM. I am slowly and robotically editing and post producing stock photos I shot in Toronto. Then the call comes. The Gazette wants me at the National Assembly in 30 minutes to get photos of a press conference by Jean Charest. Gathering the camera, getting in the car, making a small detour to get my accreditation… Not supposed to be able to do it on time, but I fly down there and managed to arrive before Charest arrives.

As expected, it was about Tony Tomassi, finally ousted from the Liberal cabinet, after months of pressure following allegation of corruption.

So here is Quebec Premier Jean Charest grimacing, then looking down.

Jean Charest

“Can an amateur take a picture as good as a professional? Sure. Can they do it on demand? Can they do it again? Can they do it over and over? Can they do it when a scene isn’t that interesting?”

That’s how Katrin Eismann, chairwoman of the Masters in Digital Photography program at the School of Visual Arts in New York, is quoted in a New-York time article.

When the National Post sent me to photograph Clotaire Rapaille, the French/American market researcher and author, I did not know I would have exactly 89 seconds, according to the IPTC data of my first and last photos.

Now that is was revealed that Rapaille’s biography contains numerous lies and exaggerations and his contract was terminated with Quebec City, the Post used another photo I filled from that day.

Is it a photo I will put in my portfolio? Certainly not. But bringing back a usable picture, not matter what where the circumstances, that’s why my clients hire me.
Clotaire Rapaille
Clotaire Rapaille, waits for the a session with journalists to begin at the City Hall in Quebec city Thursday March 11, 2010. A French-born American market researcher and author, Rapaille was hired by Quebec City to enhance the city’s image on an international level. Photo by Francis Vachon for National Post.

Captain Simon Mailloux
Capt. Simon Mailloux, right, helps colleague Capt. Belyea puts a tourniquet on his arm during a Caring Combat Situation course at the Valcartier garrison near Quebec City September 23, 2009. Mailloux lost a leg in a previous mission but, with the help of a prosthesis, will be deployed again soon in Afghanistan. Photo Francis Vachon for the Globe and Mail.
Technical: Canon EOS Mark III, 1/80 at f6.3 with a 24-70 at 30mm – ISO 2000

An amputee’s unfinished business in Afghanistan on the Globe and Mail website

Copyright © 2023 Francis Vachon.