Yawenda project: Bringing back the Huron language

The huron (Wyandot) language has been dormant for over 150 years, but it hasn’t been forgotten. A course that aims to keep the Huron language and culture alive is given at the Huron-Wendat native reserve of Wendake, just north of Quebec City.

Huron language class
Manon Sioui helps her father Roland Sioui during a game of « Yawingo », a play of word for Bingo, to learn numbers

Huron language class
Numbers and their written correspondence in Huron are projected on assistant teacher Marcel Godbout

Full story on The Gazette Website, including an audio slideshow. My first ever!

Comments (2)

  • C’est toujours un bonheur pour moi, que de voir une langue autochtone reprendre vie ! Mon passé « inuit » ne peut rester insensible à ce genre d’initiative. Merci de nous faire partager cela en images !


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