Comments (6)

  • Hello, really nice pictures. I was wondering if you have any additional information regarding the face paint. I read that in Pow-wow some dancers have war face paint, and that red paint is usually associated with violance and war. I was curious if this is one of those cases, and if it is a specific face paint from his family. Thank you

  • Dear Francis,

    I would also like to congratulate you on capturing the essence of this man’s soul so accurately with these photos.

    A paintbrush in God’s hands you are…


  • What man is a man that does not make this world a better place?

    I believe in the unconquerable greatness of one almighty God and the manifestation of His goodness and wisdom in a willing soul.

    Considering the inner growth necessary to display such tremendous pride, self-esteem, self-confidence, purpose and inner-strength, the Algonquin warrior in these photos is one man worth knowing.

    This man displays the undeniable greatness, goodness and wisdom that God, our Creator, meant for each of us to have.

    No matter which god or gods he may choose to call his own, he is more in touch with the real and only God, our Creator, than the world may care to admit; for our Creator surely value true faith, and hence inner strength due to that deep-seated faith, more than the religion any one of us may choose to make our own; for God created us in His image – with tremendous power, ability, natural skill, enthusiasm, self-will and with that the choice to have faith. Faith is what motivates us… faith is what drives us… faith in our own ability and will to make a difference. Hence these gifts, and no religion, enable us to make this world a better place.

    Look upon this man and dare to tell me that he does not make a positive difference somehow!!

    Would love to meet him – to shake his hand.

    Dear Algonquin Warrior, keep the wind beneath your wings!!


  • j’ai appris recement que je suis de descendance Algonquine, ce danceur est magnifique il a une belle ame, son regard est percant comme l’aigle

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