Asbestos mining in Thetford Mines

Earlier this week, I drove Thetford Mines. I wanted to get some stock photos of the decaying asbestos mining industry. The city became a hub for one of the world’s largest asbestos-producing regions before the industry went to a major slum when health concern was raised starting to appear some decades ago.
The huge mine tails, the abandoned mines, and the one still active are very impressive and gave me some cool photo. Here is some, but see more on my Thetford Mines asbestos mining stock photo collection. |
Plus tôt cette semaine, je suis allé dans la région québécoise de Chaudière-Appalaches jusqu’à Thetford Mines. Je voulais ajouter à ma collection d’images quelques photos de l’industrie de l’amiante. La ville était auparavant un des plus importants centres miniers de cette industrie jusqu’à ce que les risques pour la santé lors de l’utilisation de ce produit ont été évoqués il y a quelques décennies.
Les haldes (énormes montagnes de résidus miniers), les sites abandonnés et les mines toujours en fonction m’ont donné quelques photos très impressionnantes. En voici quelques-unes, mais vous pouvez en voir plus sur ma galerie de stock photo de l’industrie de l’amiante à Thetford Mines. |
Abandoned asbestos mining site is pictured in Thetford Mines (Quebec, Canada) May 13, 2009. Thetford Mines was founded in 1876 after the discovery of large asbestos deposits in the area, and the city became a hub for one of the world’s largest asbestos-producing regions.
Abandoned asbestos mining site in Thetford Mine
Abandoned asbestos mining site in Thetford Mine
Rusting dump trucks are pictured on an abandoned asbestos mining site in Thetford Mines (Quebec, Canada) May 13, 2009
An abandoned railroad is seen beside an asbestos mine tailings in Thetford Mines (Quebec, Canada) May 13, 2009
LAB (Lake Asbestos Mine / Mine Lac d’Amiante) asbestos mining site in the Black Lake district of Thetford Mines (Quebec, Canada) May 13, 2009
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Michelle Middleton
Great pictures of the mines. I’ve been doing some family history and found that ancestors left England to settle in Thetford mines in 1920 so it’s really useful to see the mines without travelling all the way to Canada, much as I’d like to!
shane welshman
this did not help me with my project at all, thank you very much, not happy
Judy Marcoux
I found your site on google because I was looking for Thetford Mines. My ancestors came from there and settled in New Hampshire. I did not know the mine was an asbestos mine. Thank you for the pictures.
narender reddy
i have never seen asbestos like this
Barbara Dion
I went through Thetford Mines (and Asbestos) in 1976 with three French Canadian friends. In fact, Pierre, had just returned from Cassiar Mines in Clinton Creek, Yukon.
I must admit it was an adventure to spend a night in Thetford and go out for breakfast in a charming cafe…or was that Asbestos? Anyway; great country and great adventure.
nice picture…
long trip to get it
Vigneux, Jean
Hello Francis,
I am working since 2003 on projects to revegetate these tailings 9similar one in the town of Asbestos (near Danville) and we have great success. We have revegetated about 85 ha so far using a lot of lime and organic residuals such as compost and from paper mill industry. More than 100 000 trees and shrubs have been planted. Experimental projects going on ther. But still a lot to do!!
Nice pictures!
Jean Vigneux agronomist
Maxime Perron Caissy
Nice collection, I especially like your photo with the three trucks without wheels.
The last photo is also nice with the road going right to the bottom of the mine.
Gérald Gobeil
Ce coin est impressionnant. Je me demande encore pourquoi il n’a pas servi de décor à un film.