Baby soon
Today is the 33th week mark for baby Edouard (or Edward?). The cerclage is hanging tight. Cindy can start to move a little with more freedom. Yesterday, we even went for dinner to my parent’s place.
On our way back, in the evening, she said “what is that huge 400 on the building?”. It was her first time at night since Christmas, and that 400 appeared 3 months ago for the 400th anniversary of Quebec City. Something that is so natural for us now was totally new for her.
Later today, we have an appointment with the high-risk pregnancy doctor. He is going to have a look at the cerclage, and probably decide when they are going to take it down. He have to do this BEFORE the belly grow to big and the cerclage brakes by itself, which could be devastating both for the baby and the mother. It is usually done before the 34th week, and this usually means the baby comes out in the following days, and often in the following hours.
He could even decide to do the procedure today!
Yes, that means I could be a father as soon as tonight.
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Angela Roy
Oooo! That is so exciting!!
Sophie Vachon
Je vous souhaite à vous deux tout le bien possible
J’ai tellement hâte de voir mon filleul!